Joseph Anselme Doiron was the son of Gamaliel Doiron and Marie Gallant.
Joseph Anselme Doiron was born 6 Nov 1887 and baptized the same day at St-Alexis-de-Matapedia, Quebec, Canada.
Joseph Anselme Doiron was usually known as Anselme Doiron.
In the 1891 Census of Canada Anselme is listed as living with his parents and siblings.
In the 1901 Census of Canada Anselme is listed as a "Cousin" in the household of Andre and Marguerite Pitre. How they were cousins is not yet known to me.
Anselme died in 1905 and was buried at St-Alexis-de-Matapedia, Quebec, Canada. He was likely unmarried as his burial record lists his parents and married people are listed as the spouse or widow/widower of their spouse, instead of as the child of their parents.
Drouin Collection at
1891 Census of Canada
1901 Census of Canada
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