- _x_Gone to sleep reciting details about ancestors? yes
- _x_Photographed more than 20 tombstones? Tens of thousands of them.
- __Had an ancestral chart, family photo, coat of arms, ship of immigration (or similar) professionally printed or framed? not yet
- _x_Figured out your kinship to someone famous? All the time!
- _x_Solved a stranger’s dead-end mystery for free? Occasionally.
- _x_Considered consulting a psychic about genealogy? Considered, but haven't...yet...
- _x_Taken a selfie in a graveyard or hugged a tombstone? Yes.
- __Probed the ground or used a divining rod to locate a missing tombstone? No...but maybe someday!
- __Written your own obituary? No
- __Created a birth, marriage or death notice (obit) for an ancestor who didn’t have one? No
- _x_Eschewed the sunshine for valuable library/research time (or met the dawn while tracing your family tree)? Yes
- _x_Celebrated a birthday, marriage or commemorative event of a deceased forebear? Yes
- _x_Rescued (i.e., purchased) photos, medals or similar objects of someone not related to you? Yes
- __Reunited lost artifacts with living relatives? No
- __Centered a vacation around genealogy? Not yet
- __Traveled to meet a newly discovered cousin whom you met through genealogy research? Not yet
- _x_Tested your DNA? AncestryDNA, FamilyTreeDNA, 23andMe autosomal tests
- _x_Paid for others to get their DNA tested? yes!
- _x_Worn clothing (t-shirts, jackets, hats) emblazoned with genealogy surnames, slogans, society names, etc.? Lots of t-shirts, worn at conferences, seminars and to bed.
- __Upon their leaving the nest, converted your child’s bedroom (or personal space) into a genealogy room? Most still in the nest, so not yet!
- __Spent more on genealogy in a month than groceries? Not yet
- _x_Collected odd records in the name of genealogy (for example, taxes)? Yes
- __Added margin notations in books (error corrections, enhanced details)? No
- _x_Mapped a forebear’s traipsings? Genealogy software makes this easy to do.
- _x_Traveled more than 100 miles for research (library, court house)? Yes
- __Purchased something that belonged to an ancestor or that has his/her name on it (photo albums, homesteads, lineage society pins)? No.
- __Participated in a reenactment related to your ancestry? Not yet, but working on it!
- __Made something to commemorate genealogy (historical costumes, paraphernalia, needlepoint or model of an immigrant ship, painting, genealogy quilt)? Not yet, but working on it!
- _x_Joined more than five lineage or genealogy societies? Yes
- __Overlaid an ancestor’s photo on that of a living person to identify a doppelganger (look-alike)? Not yet.
- _x_Downloaded, emailed or shared genealogy jokes? Yes
- _x_Purchased a book with only a small reference to your ancestry (100 words)? Yes
- __Mentioned genealogy in your will? Not yet
- _x_Studied old handwriting or consulted with a handwriting expert so that you can read old documents? Yes.
- __Made a gen-tote of gadgets for on-the-go projects (portable scanning, grave cleaning, flash drives, notepads, acid free gloves)? Not yet
- __Taken a handful of dirt or a stone from a place significant to your ancestry? Never thought to do it.
- _x_Diverted a mealtime conversation to genealogy? Happens all the time!
- _x_Initiated conversations about ancestry with complete strangers (outside of a genealogy setting)? Tell me your name and I'll discuss it!
- _x_Researched the genealogy of complete strangers? Yep.
- _x_Transcribed an old document, or more than 500 genealogy records? Many.
- _x_Joined a dozen or more social media genealogy groups? Facebook has many!
- _x_Created a genealogy blog or a public tree (online)? Every place I can.
- __Published a family history book or distributed genealogy folders amongst the relatives? Not yet.
- _x_Programmed gen-destinations (court houses, cemeteries) into your GPS? The easy way to find places!
- __Taken genealogy courses with the intention of receiving a certificate or other form of recognition? Not yet, might in the future.
- __Paid to attend genealogy conferences? Not yet, didn't pay for the one I attended.
- _x_Searched surnames on eBay? Yes
- _x_Scoured thrift or resale shops for genealogical finds? Yes
- _x_Trespassed in the name of genealogy? Yes
- _x_Dined anywhere but your dining table to avoid disturbing a genealogy project? When I was younger, now I don't use the dining room table for projects, I have a desk.
My score is 30- Up and Coming Genealogist Award.
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