Wednesday, December 4, 2013

St-Alexis-de-Matapedia, Quebec, Canada

St-Alexis-de-Matapedia, Quebec was founded by people from Rustico, Prince Edward Island in 1860.  The village was named in honor of Father Alexis Mailloux..

map of St-Alexis-de-Matapedia, from Wikimedia Commons

The parish was officially founded in 1870.

This church/parish seems to have records of many related people so I am going to look at every record in order in the church books. This will be the beginning of a rather ambitious project to look at each source available for the area entry by entry and hopefully create a comprehensive database of all the families there.

The first year of church records available to me is 1871.  I am viewing the records at

Records for most of these families appear to be at Ste-Anne, Restigouche, Quebec for the years prior to 1871.

M1.  The marriage of Sylvester Martin and Gertrude Gallant

M2. The marriage of  Jean Doiron and Cecile Doucet

B1. The baptism of Judith Adeline Doiron

B2. The baptism of Marie Anne Doucet

M3. The marriage of Andre Doiron and Athalie Blaquiere

M4. The marriage of Peregrin Doiron and Zelie Pineau

B3. The baptism of Jerome Joseph Pitre

B4. The baptism of Jean Laurent Gallant

B5. The baptism of Marie Modeste Doiron

B6. The baptism of Pierre M Michel

B7. The baptism of Joseph Pierre Pitre

B8. The baptism of Joachim Joseph Blaquiere

B9. The baptism of Gabien Joseph Pineau

S1 The burial of Joseph Pierre Pitre

S2. The burial of Joseph Gallant

B10. The baptism of Fidele Jerome Gallant

M5. The marriage of Jeremie Pitre and Marie Pitre

M6. The marriage of Eusebe Doiron and Judith Gallant

M7. The marriage of Anaclet Gallant and Philomene Gallant 

B11. The baptism of Joseph Albert Thomas Gallant

M8. The marriage of Herbert Arsenault and Caroline Doiron

B12. The baptism of Marie Magdeline Pitre

B13. The baptism of Judith Gallant

S3 The burial of Joseph Albert Gallant 

S4. The burial of Marguerite Pitre

B14. The baptism of Joseph Gallant

B15. The baptism of Marie Florence Pitre

S5. The burial of Marie Gauthier, wife of Andre Pitre

S6. The burial of Faustine Pineau

B16. The baptism of Jean Chesser

B17. The baptism of Marie Anne Poirier

B18. The baptism of Matthias Dumas

B19 The baptism of Marie Hortense Arsenault

B20. The baptism of Gilbert Jerome Gallant

B21. The baptism of Philomene Gallant

B22. The baptism of Marie Elisabeth Doiron

B23. The baptism of Georges Lazare Martin

B24. The baptism of Angele Doiron

B25. The baptism of Joseph Pitre, son of Etienne Pitre and Judith Gallant

B26. The baptism of Onesime Gallant 

B27. The baptism of Marie Modeste Doiron, daughter of Jean Doiron

B28. The baptism of Marie Capland

B29. The baptism of Marie Sophie Gallant

B30. The baptism of Delphine Adeline Pitre

B31. The baptism of Sara Marthe Blaquiere

S7. The burial of Floride Martin

B32. The baptism of Adeline Pitre

B33. The baptism of Achilas Gallant, child of Louis Gallant and Edesse Martin.

B34. The baptism of Moise Anselme Doucet

M9. The marriage of Andre Doiron and Madeleine Doiron

B35. The baptism of Joseph Vincent Gallant 

B36. The baptism of Jean Blaquiere

B37. The baptism of Pierre Pitre

B38. The baptism of George Pitre


S1. The burial of Modeste Doucet

M1. The marriage of Pierre Arsenault and Marie Gallant

S2. The burial of Demetree Gallant, daughter of Basile Gallant and Appoline Pitre

B1. The baptism of Agnes Obeline Pitre

B2. The baptism of Marie Pitre

B3. The baptism of Marie Adeline Doiron

B4. The baptism of Onesime Martin

S3. The burial of Marie Gallant (indexed as a baptism at Ancestry, but clearly a burial)

B5. The baptism of Marie Judith Blaquiere

M2 The marriage of Artheme Gallant and Leocadie Gallant

M3. The marriage of William Cyprien Fauchon and Marcelline Methot.

B6. The baptism of Romain Gallant

B7 The baptism of Adele Arsenault

S4. The burial of Francois Morin

S5. The burial of Judith Gallant, daughter of Joseph Gallant and Leocadie Doiron

S6. The burial of Jerome Joseph Pitre, son of Lucien Pitre and Aurelie Gallant

B8. The baptism of Joseph Pierre Doiron

S7. The burial of Vincent Pitre, son of Etienne Pitre and Judith Gallant

B9. The baptism of Pierre Marie Doiron

B10. The baptism of Marie Malvina Thibeault

B11. The baptism of Pierre Jean Pitre

S8. The burial of Marie Gallant

S9. The burial of Marie Pitre

B12. The baptism of Joseph Gallant

S10. The burial of Joseph Gallant

S11. The burial of Judith Gallant

M4. The marriage of Genevieve Doiron and Theophile Letourneau

B13. The baptism of Marie Victoria Doiron

B14. The baptism of Joseph Alphee Gallant 

B15. The baptism of Thomas ------?

M5. The marriage of Liguri and Marie Pitre 

B16. The baptism of Jean Andre Martin

B17. The baptism of Marie Sophie Pitre

B18. The baptism of Jean George Doiron, son of Jean Charles Doiron and Cecile Doucet

S12. The burial of Paul Leveque

B19. The baptism of Elizabeth Catherine Railey

S13. The burial of Lizet Gallant

B20. The baptism of Marie Birgitt Arsenault

B21. The baptism of Joseph Chrystome Gallant

B22 The baptism of Alexandre Jeremie Martin

S14 the burial of Joseph Gilker

M6 The marriage of Amable Arsenault and Scholastique Doiron

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