Simon Martin aka Simeon Martin married Marguerite Gallant, probably around 1826.
Simeon Martin died before the 1865 marriage of his daughter Lucille Martin.
The children of Simeon Martin and Marguerite Gallant include:
Marie Martin
Andre Martin
Eusbeb Martin
Sylvain Martin
Isidore Martin
Edesse Martin
Lucille Martin
Olive Martin
Zacharin Martin
***Special Note: There is another couple also named Simon Martin and Marguerite Gallant who also were married in PEI and also went to St-Alexis-de-Matapedia. The other "younger" couple were the direct ancestors of Michael John Stewart.
That there were two couples with the same names and migration patterns is clear. The older set has children between 1827 and 1845. The younger set married in 1847 and have children between 1847 and 1861. The marriage of the younger set lists their parents. There is no way for the younger Marguerite Gallant, born in 1821 to be having children as early as 1827.
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