Saturday, December 17, 2011

23andme sale and update

Currently 23andme is offering a $23 off sale.

I am awaiting the results from two tests right now, having received word the lab has received both of them.  One is for a 3rd cousin of my grandfathers on his mothers side, and the other is for someone is may quite likely be my father.  I still have a ton of people to test so Ill be buying more kits soon myself.

A little update on the status of each of the 5 profiles that I have data back on:

myself:                            1014 in RF
                                        307 are sharing
                                          11 declined sharing

mat half sis Sandra:  775 in RF
                                234 sharing
                                    7 declined sharing

mat. half bro Brandon:  784 in RF
                                    144 sharing
                                     1 declined sharing  (but it was a .33% match!!!!)

maternal grandfather:  907 in RF
                                       246 sharing
                                       7 declined sharing

mat great aunt Pauline (sister to my maternal grandfather): 799 in RF
                                                                                        163 sharing
                                                                                        1 declined sharing.

When FTDNA allows uploads of 23andme data (for a price, about $50 apparently) I will be able to post how the stats there compare.

Of all those 5 profiles I can propose a paper trail to ONE on Sandra's.  (technically two, because its a lady who has since had her father tested who also matches Sandra in the same segment).  None of the profiles gets very many good, close matches tho, maybe because of our Canadian background?  We do have Colonial American roots, but our branch came to Canada around the 1790's.....

1 comment:

  1. wow, you've got a ton of RF matches! I don't think I'd know how to even begin with so many. :-) I hope you keep posting about your progress with it. I've been blogging about mine extensively and wish more people would - there is so much to learn! You can read them at
